Monday 15 December 2014



 56cm x 56cm
  56cm x 56cm
  50cm x 50cm
  50cm x 50cm
  50cm x 50cm
  50cm x 50cm

诚征唐卡代理,或诚意恭请供养者,印度,尼泊尔,不丹手工唐卡,可联络我,013-3507687, 013-3693131 ,email:
Hand art thangka from India, Bhutan, Nepal, if interested please feel free to contact me 013-3507687, 013-3693131 email:

念修六字大明咒实有不可思议之功德。《莲花藏经》云:“若持圣观音之明咒,能获得财富、粮食等受用,能免遇怨敌、传染病、毒、兵器、监狱以及非时横死,并 能从中获得解脱。”《千手千眼经》云:“食物饮料若被下毒,至心持诵大悲观音咒,则食此物反成胜妙天食。”《十一面经》云:“若诵此咒,则被千眼垂视,千 手救护。若以此咒加持水,则凡喝此水者,业障定得清净。凡听闻此咒者或被咒声随风所触之人,亦能清净业障。”《六字大明咒经》云:“何人若诵若作意‘嗡嘛 呢叭咪吽’之明咒,能避免一切疾病之损害,并能从中获得解脱,清净一切业障,获得长寿,且受用财富增上。”



「六 字真言」为观音菩萨微妙心印,有无量无边不可思议功德,为十方诸佛所赞叹。若书六字大明,如同书三藏法宝。如诵六字大明,三世业障悉得清净,了脱生死,究 意成就;且能断无明、开智慧、降魔、治病、增富、救贫、消灾、延寿,救百千难苦,摧灭贪嗔痴,闭塞轮回路,历代眷属俱得超生,腹肠诸虫,亦得证果;又具无 量三昧法门,日日得具足六波罗密功德。一切金刚护法、天龙八部,无不欢喜拥护。欲生何佛土,均如愿成就。不但持诵书写与观想等,始有功德。只要此真言着于 身,触于手,耳有所闻,目有所见,或藏于家中,或书于门上,或展旗扬幡,凡沾此法味者,任何众生,亦得生死解脱之因,同证菩提道果之德。逢凶化吉,遇难呈 祥。凡未成佛,求寿,求子,求福,求权,求消灭一切地水火风空灾难危险,以及一切所求,无不如摩尼宝珠,各满其愿。总而言之,六字真言之功德,就是佛之智 慧来讲,亦穷劫难尽。若以现在藏经上所载之功德来讲,亦要讲三年方能讲完。

The benefits of reciting OM MANI PADME HUM are like the infinite sky. Depending on how perfectly qualified one’s mind is and on one’s motivation, even reciting OM MANI PADME HUM one time can purify negative karma. For example, a fully ordained monk who has received all four defeats can completely purify that very heavy negative karma by reciting OM MANI PADME HUM one time. So it is very powerful.
Reciting One Thousand Mantras Each Day
In the teachings it is said the benefits of reciting OM MANI PADME HUM are so many that the explanation will never finish. It is explained that if one recites OM MANI PADME HUM one thousand times every day, then one’s children up to seven generations will not be reborn in the lower realms. So if, for example, parents recite one thousand mantras every day then their children, their children’s children and so forth up to seven generations will never be reborn in the lower realms. So parents have quite a responsibility! This is one way that parents can benefit their children and grandchildren.
If one recites the OM MANI PADME HUM mantra one thousand times every day, then one’s body becomes blessed. So when a person who recites one thousand OM MANI PADME HUM every day goes into water, into a river or ocean for example, that water becomes blessed. Whoever that water touches fish, tiny or big animals, or tiny insects, the negative karma of all those sentient beings is purified and they do not get reborn in the lower realms.
If one recites one thousand OM MANI PADME HUM every day, then at the time of death, when the body is burnt, even the smoke that comes from it purifies the negative karma of whoever it touches or whoever smells it. The negative karma of those sentient beings to be reborn in the lower realms is purified.
Fifteen Major Benefits
There are fifteen major benefits, which are the same for both the long and the short mantra. Actually, there are so many benefits but if one can remember these fifteen, these are the most important, the integrated outlines.
  1. In all lifetimes, one will meet with virtuous kings - religious kings like His Holiness the Dalai Lama and other virtuous leaders - and by being in such a place where there is a virtuous king one will have much opportunity to practise Dharma.
  2. One will always be reborn in virtuous places where there is a lot of Dharma practice, where there are lots of temples, where one can make lots of offerings, where there a lot of holy objects, statues, stupas and so forth. Being in a place where there are all these holy objects gives one the opportunity to practise Dharma, to create the cause of happiness, to accumulate merit. And being in a place where there are many in the city doing practice inspires oneself to practise Dharma, the cause of happiness.
  3. One will always meet with fortunate times and good conditions, which will help your Dharma practice. Having many good things happen it inspires you to practise Dharma, to receive teachings and to meditate.
  4. One will always be able to meet with virtuous friends.
  5. One will always receive a perfect human body.
  6. One’s mind will become familiar with the path, with virtue.
  7. One will not allow one’s vows, one’s morality to degenerate.
  8. People around you - family, Dharma students, people in the office, and so one - will be kind and harmonious with you.
  9. You will always have wealth, the means of living.
  10. You will always be protected and served by others.
  11. Your wealth will not be stolen or taken away by others.
  12. Whatever you wish will succeed.
  13. You will always be protected by virtuous nagas and devas.
  14. In all lifetimes, you will see Buddha and be able to hear the Dharma.
  15. By listening to the pure Dharma, you will be able to actualise the profound meaning, emptiness.
It is said in the teachings that anybody who recites this mantra with compassion - devas or humans - will receive these virtues. In addition, the mantra has the power to heal many diseases and to protect from any harms.
The Compassionate Buddha manifesting in the form of the mantra leads us to enlightenment. In relation to the Holy Body of the Compassionate Buddha we make offerings, accumulate merit, purify and meditate. Then the Compassionate Buddha manifests in the form of the mantra OM MANI PADME HUM. Reciting this mantra unifies our negative karma and causes us to actualise the whole path from guru devotion through renunciation, bodhicitta, and emptiness up to the two stages of tantra. Then we are able to bring all sentient beings to enlightenment. That is how the mantra benefits us. It is the Compassionate Buddha’s holy speech manifesting in an external way in order to benefit us.

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