Monday 15 December 2014

四臂觀音唐卡 Four Armed Kuan Yin Thangka

Four Armed Kuan Yin Thangka

 55cm x 70cm(before frame)


诚征唐卡代理,或诚意恭请供养者,印度,尼泊尔,不丹手工唐卡,可联络我,013-3507687, 013-3693131 ,email:
Hand art thangka from India, Bhutan, Nepal, if interested can contact me 013-3507687, 013-3693131 email:

四臂觀音是藏密大悲觀音的主尊,代表大悲、大智、大力,是密乘行者必修的法門。與文殊菩薩、金剛手菩薩合稱三族性尊,藏密非常多的信徒都以四臂觀音為本尊,並為雪域西藏的護佑之主。 四臂觀音極其優美,身白色,頭戴五佛冠,黑髮結髻。右前臂持水晶唸珠,左前臂持青蓮花,中間二掌握如意摩尼寶珠,頭帶寶冠,身披殊勝珠寶瓔珞,面貌寂靜含笑,以菩薩慧眼凝視眾生,金剛跏跌座。得解脫。 四臂表發心四無量心,身白色表自凡被其觀者盡性清淨無垢。頭戴五佛冠表五智,髮黑色表示柒,五色天衣表五方佛,雙伽趺表空樂雙運。中央二手合掌於胸前,表勸勉十方諸佛利益眾生脫輪迴,右手持水晶念珠,左手持蓮花,表清淨無惱。身裝外密八飾,表八解脫。左肩披獸皮,表悲心廣大。月色背光代表解除煩熱之心。

Like a majestic lotus that blooms beautifully above muddy waters, compassion brings us out of suffering. Hence, the Buddhas of all the ten directions are born from the perfection of wisdom and compassion.
When the immense compassion of all Buddhas is distilled, it takes on a very special form of a Bodhisattva. This Bodhisattva has a gentle and serene disposition on his face.
He is white in colour and has four arms representing the Four Immeasurables of loving kindness, joy, equanimity and compassion. Just like limbs of the body, he has become one with the realisation of these qualities and uses them to benefit sentient beings.

He has two hands folded in prayer while holding a brilliant sky-blue wish-fulfilling jewel at his heart. In this way, he holds closest to his heart Bodhicitta or altruistic love for all sentient beings.
The other arm on his right holds aloft gently a set of crystal prayer beads and the other left hand holds a pristine lotus. This shows his promise to manifest continuously in a multitude of ways to benefit us like the steady momentum of counting prayer beads.

Despite appearing skilfully in ordinary guise in various realms of existence to benefit suffering beings, he is not just unstained but thrives in such surroundings like a pristine lotus that grows out of muddy waters.
This unstained bodhisattva is attired royally with six jeweled ornaments which consist of the crown, earrings, bracelets, necklace, bejeweled belt and anklets. Like the jeweled ornaments he wears to beautify himself outwardly, he has perfected the inner 6 perfections or paramitas, inspiring practitioners to practice generosity, morality, patience, endeavour, meditation and wisdom to become truly beautiful from the inside out.
This Bodhisattva is the 4-armed Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig in Tibetan. With prayers, offerings and meditations, one can be inspired by Avalokiteshvara to practice real inner transformation of our negative qualities into selfless motivation to serve others.

His spiritual energy in the form of sound that helps to transform the mind (Mantra):

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