Monday 15 December 2014

时轮金刚坛城 Kalachakra Mandala


 33cm x33cm

 30cm x30cm
 35cm x 35cm
 30cm x 30cm

 诚征唐卡代理,或诚意恭请供养者,印度,尼泊尔,不丹手工唐卡,可联络我,013-3507687, 013-3693131 ,email:
Hand art thangka from India, Bhutan, Nepal, if interested please feel free to contact me 013-3507687, 013-3693131 email:

时轮金刚是释迦牟尼佛所传的密中之密,一切金刚密乘之王。佛陀曾授记:时轮金刚将为生于末法时期的众生所弘扬。 时轮金刚坛城所在之处,能调解地、水、火、风四大失和,免遭各种灾难、洪水、火灾、战争、恶疾、传染病、不治之疾病,克服各种自然灾害的侵害。


Kalachakra (in Tibetan Du kyi khorlo) is a Sanskrit word that can be translated literally as "wheel of time." Kala, or "time," is not linear time but the flow of all events, past, present, and future. This is similar to our concept of space, which does not imply a particular direction or limitation. The Kalachakra deity represents omniscience, for he is one with all time and therefore knows all. Chakra, meaning "wheel," refers not only to the cycle of time but also to the way in which the enlightened experience of great bliss radiates like the sun from the self to all sentient beings. The wheel, with no beginning and no end, is also the universal symbol of Buddhism, representing the teachings of the Buddha. ...

The Kalachakra Sand Mandala is a visual representation of the entire Kalachakra Tantra. It is also a two-dimensional representation of the five-story palace of the Kalachakra deity, in which a total of 722 deities reside, with Kalachakra and his consort Vishvamata united in an embrace of perpetual bliss at the very center.

A Teaching for Our Time

On of the important features of the Kalachakra Tantra is that it is given for a community. The Buddha offered it for an entire country, the mythical kingdom of Shambala, so historically the initiation has been given to large groups. The Dalai Lama has remarked that in earlier times communities were separated by valleys, rivers, mountains or oceans, whereas today, with instant communication and transportation, our community includes the entire planet. This is another reason why he feels Kalachakra is a teaching for our time.

The Kalachakra Tantra

Kalachakra (in Tibetan Du kyi khorlo) is a Sanskrit word that can be translated literally as "wheel of time." Kala, or "time," is not linear time but the flow of all events, past, present, and future. This is similar to our concept of space, which does not imply a particular direction or limitation. The Kalachakra deity represents omniscience, for he is one with all time and therefore knows all. Chakra, meaning "wheel," refers not only to the cycle of time but also to the way in which the enlightened experience of great bliss radiates like the sun from the self to all sentient beings. The wheel, with no beginning and no end, is also the universal symbol of Buddhism, representing the teachings of the Buddha. ...

The Kalachakra Sand Mandala is a visual representation of the entire Kalachakra Tantra. It is also a two-dimensional representation of the five-story palace of the Kalachakra deity, in which a total of 722 deities reside, with Kalachakra and his consort Vishvamata united in an embrace of perpetual bliss at the very center.

A Teaching for Our Time

On of the important features of the Kalachakra Tantra is that it is given for a community. The Buddha offered it for an entire country, the mythical kingdom of Shambala, so historically the initiation has been given to large groups. The Dalai Lama has remarked that in earlier times communities were separated by valleys, rivers, mountains or oceans, whereas today, with instant communication and transportation, our community includes the entire planet. This is another reason why he feels Kalachakra is a teaching for our time.

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